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Cherry Blossoms: A Losing His Wife Novel Page 6

  “Geoff?” She looked around the room for him, saw him stepping out from behind his desk, flinching and blinking from the sudden bright.

  “Shit, Nia, the lights,” he hissed.

  He was snow-blind for a second but he could tell she’d shut them down and he could hear her laughing over at the door.

  “Geoff, ha ha, what the fuck...” she couldn’t continue, she was laughing so hard.

  “Surprise,” he managed and he stepped out again where she could see him.

  “Did I just catch you masturbati—Geoff, do you take all your clothes off when you jerk it?” she cackled. She leaned against the wall.

  “Ha, fucking ha, Nia,” he said and he kept walking to her trying to be confident but feeling it waning. “I got you this gift and I was trying to wrap it when you walked in...” he motioned with both hands to his cock.

  “Let’s see this gift, Geoff,” she said and she watched him walk towards her and he felt stupid and self-conscious but Nia smiled and showed him she enjoyed the show. Her eyes were between his legs watching his erection wag as he crossed to her.

  “That’s for me?” she said as he got close.

  “Sure is,” he said and he stepped to her and put his hand on the back of her neck and kissed her.

  He shuddered as he felt her hand grip his aching hardness. She jerked him earnestly while she kissed him, his passionate sexy wife. She wanted it again. Three nights in a row now. How long was this going to go on? His dick was hard as a rock but, if he were honest, it was also a little sore.

  “You know, the girls want a stripper for the bachelorette. You wanna make a couple hundred shaking this thing for them?”

  “We could use the money.”

  “Say the word and I’ll have you booked.”

  “Think I got what it takes?” he asked.

  “Mm, you’ll get a couple of tips.”

  “Sympathy tips from you.”

  “I wouldn’t want you to feel bad, Geoff,” she laughed as they kept kissing.

  “You’re killing me,” he whispered.

  “I’m teasing, Geoff. I like this package you’re working with. In fact,” she said, broke her mouth away from his, that mean smile appearing again. “I want a show.”

  “You do?”

  “Oh, yeah. I do.” She walked past him and went to his couch and threw herself down in it. She spread her arms over the back and stretched her legs out in front of her and crossed them. She was beautiful. She was fully clothed, skirt and sweater, jacket, heels, hair done and makeup, and he was completely naked and hard, hair messy, body hunched and sore from drawing all day. It aroused him incredibly. “Nia, you’re so fucking hot.”

  “You too, tiger. Show me what you got. Shake it for me.”

  “There’s no music, Nia.”

  “Ba-dum-bum-dumm,” she said, snapping her fingers, watching him slyly through her eyebrows.

  “Oh, come on...” Geoff laughed.

  “Da-dum-dum-dumm,” she continued, still smiling, still snapping.

  He rolled his head around, covered his privates with his hands, “Fuuuuuck,” he moaned. “Fine.”

  He took his hands away, Nia kept up her musical accompaniment and he walked with the beat towards her, throwing his hips out on the bass beat and thrusting his cock out and making it bounce for her.

  “Ba-dum-dum-dumph—” she broke into a laugh, but she nodded, encouraging him, snapping and waving her hands while she did, dancing while she sat, drawing him towards her. He rushed the rest of the way overcome with shyness and feeling a little humiliated. She reached for his cock as he got close but he threw himself on the couch and covered it up.

  “Very sexy, Geoffy baby,” she said and she climbed up his body. The zipper of her jacket was cold as ice and as it dragged up his bare skin his scrotum shrank up like a raisin.

  “Well, look at my naked husband,” she said, looking him over, hovering over him as he lay on the couch with her on all fours over top of him. “Move your hands.”

  He slowly took his hands away and let her see it, watched her face as her eyes went down and saw his hardness revealed to her.

  “So you girls are going to get a stripper?” he said.

  “We are,” she said and she still surmised his aching cock. Her hand came up and she ran a long fingernail down the belly of it. She watched it flex and wriggle. She chuckled. Then her hand gripped it again, slowly and gently stroked him. “This is like my control stick. My little Geoff lever. I can make him go left, I can make him go right, up and down,” she moved his cock, shifted it in those directions. “When I press the tip his mouth opens and I can suck his tongue or put my pussy on it.”

  He laughed and opened his mouth for her, making it swing open like it was on a hinge. Her thumb ran circles over his ticklish tip with his streaming precum.

  She nuzzled her face in between his head and the pillow on the arm of the couch and she whispered in his ear, “And when I stroke it…I can make him agree to anything I want. Like letting me fuck the stripper.”

  “Oh, my God, yes, Nia, you can fuck the stripper,” he whispered in comical agreement.

  “I bet he’ll have abs and a big chest. I bet he’s got a fantastic cock. A cock like this you keep tucked away.” She jiggled his around to show him the cock she was talking about. “Would you show my friends this cock? Take your pants off and dance for them like you did?”

  “No way, ha ha.”

  “Right,” she whispered. “Guy that’s coming is bound to have a whopper. It’s gotta be big if you’re going to show it to a bunch of foul-mouthed Italian girls been drinking all day. Bet he’s got something I could really get down with. You know?”

  “You’re so bad.”

  She giggled and nibbled on his ear and it gave him chills so bad he had to jump up. He squirmed out from under her and sat up. She lay back on the couch now smiling at him. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. She put her hands up over her head. Her skin glowed, her eyes sparkled. He was so in love.

  “Let me serve you,” he said.

  “Oh yeah?” her grin widened.

  “Let me pleasure you.”

  “I like that, Geoff. Let’s see what you’ve got.”

  He got on his knees over top of her and brought his face down on to her stomach, biting at her shirt while her nails scratched through his hair.

  “Show me, Geoff,” she whispered again.

  He got his lips underneath her shirt, pushing the fabric up until he could feel the hot skin of her belly against his lips. Her skin smelled of her perfume, faint and subtle and spicy. He breathed her deeply. She started to writhe. He pushed her legs wide and she moved them eagerly apart while he kissed and bit around her belly button. She pushed him lower and he went where she wanted, kissing his way down, feeling the scratch of her skirt across his lips, the snag of his beard in her fine wool.

  Her panties were smooth and satin and he bit at them, pulled the fabric with his teeth, tucked a finger into the waistband and she moaned when he pulled it away and she felt the cool air touch her between her legs where she was wet and eager. He kissed her mound, she was shaved again, bare and smooth, her skin was buttery, her flesh yielded to his lips as he slowly made his way to her hot stripe. He found it, swollen and ready, craving his tongue. He gave it to her, felt the jolt it put in her, felt her tremble under his fingers pressed into the wonderful flesh of her thighs.

  “Oh, Geoff,” she whispered, spurring him on to deliver her something special.

  He worked his tongue through her, touching all her parts, pulling her lips into his mouth, tugging and kissing, licking low, almost too low, then back up her centre. He went on like that, running his tongue through her slippery folds, tasting her bitter tang and loving every musky drop she had. Her hands pulled at his hair, scratched at his scalp, her nails dragged on his jaw, dug through his beard. She forced her pussy into his tongue. He dove it deep inside, then up and finding her hard swollen clit and spreading it flat, squas
hing it with his soft tongue. He held her like that, his hand clutching at her thighs, his mouth clamped over her aching hungry sex and Nia did the work, got herself to where she needed to be, grinding her clit against him. Her hips swivelled in circles, her little girl sounds went high and squeaky, came quicker and quicker, she chanted, yes yes yes, over and over as she got closer. He held himself rigid so she could use him as a device, her living breathing sex toy, and finally she bucked against him, cried out once, a loud Yes that he worried the neighbours might hear. Then he softened his tongue, tasted her again as Nia heaved breaths above him and her legs closed against his ears. “Stop, stop,” she whispered. “I came, baby.”

  He propped himself up on his elbows, framed between her long legs, and he wiped at his mouth, said, “I know you did.”

  “Thank you, tiger,” she said. “That was a great way to greet me.”

  “I love you, Nia.”

  “Geoff, I love you too,” she looked longingly into his eyes and she caressed his cheek with the back of her hand. “Come up here,” she whispered sweetly. He crawled up the couch to lay by her. They both lay on their sides face to face and Nia put her lips just a breath from his. She smiled and her hand came up and she wiped at his beard, getting her nectar off him.

  “Come on and kiss me,” he said.

  She giggled and wiped, then moved in and bit at his lower lip. Her right hand gripped his cock and he sighed into her mouth. “Mm, Nia,” he groaned.

  “So, baby, you don’t mind if we get a stripper?”

  “You going to be a good girl?”

  “Mm-hmm-hmm, no promises...”

  “You’re looking forward to it, aren’t you?”

  “A little.”

  “You’re my bad girl.”

  “I can be bad. Do you want me to be bad?”

  He felt the nails of her other hand run along his balls, felt them pull up tight to his body. She stroked his cock teasingly and slow. “I don’t want to get in your way, you know...”

  “You don’t want to cramp my style?”

  “Ah, mm, right. I want you to feel good...”

  “When I go out? You want me to have fun?” Her fingers stroked his head lightly, going up and down very fast and ticklish.

  “Ah, I do.”

  “All the other girls were worried that their boyfriends would find out and beat up the stripper. Would you do that?”


  “I know you wouldn’t. You’re a nice white boy aren’t you?”

  “Yeah, I mean…”

  “You’re my good husband, right?” Her hand gripped him fully again, squeezing and stroking, a finger on her other hand now making quick circles over the hole of his penis.

  “Ah, oh, I am.”

  “You’re the wonderful dad to our little girl…”

  “Of course…”

  “I know.”

  “Know what?”

  “That’s what you are.”

  “Do you want me to be more?” His face clenched as he got so close and all he wanted to do was explode in her hand and shoot his seed all up her shirt.


  “Do you want me to go crazy...a-and beat up the stripper?”

  “Ha ha, that’s not you though, baby, is it?”

  He shook his head, her hand felt so good. He wanted to keep looking into her eyes but his kept wanting to close on him.

  She whispered, “You are the way you are, other men are the way they are.”

  “You want to be with...those men?”

  “And leave this wonderful boy I have at home?”

  “But you’re saying they have something you want? Is that it? Aren’t we supposed to be honest and comm—”

  “I’m teasing, Geoff. I’m trying to turn you on. I’d only do something you were comfortable with.” She kissed him, kissed his chin through his beard, he could feel her teeth biting at his jawline. Her hand stroked steadily now.

  He said, “If I said you could have sex…outside the marriage…you would?”

  She pulled back and looked at him through half-lidded eyes. “Are you saying that?”

  “No. Nia…are, teasing or is this for real? Ah-honestly.”

  “I honestly don’t know.”

  He shuddered, thrashed his head and scowled at her with his eyes shut tight. What the fuck was she saying?

  “Ah, ah oh,” he groaned and cried out as he shot his thick semen and it spurted up between them all over her shirt and over her hand. She stroked him and pinched it, her hand crushed his glans and squeezed the semen out of him.

  “Come for me, baby, that’s it,” she cooed, “I love to see you come.”

  “Agh, oh, ah, Nia. Who? Dino?”

  “No. Nobody. Let’s just forget it, okay?”

  “But, I—”

  “No, I don’t want to talk about it now. Forget I said anything.”

  How could he forget? How would he ever forget the night she might have insinuated she’d like to seek out a partner outside their marriage?


  Job Interview

  Thursday, May 18th


  “What was Rocco like?” he asked her.

  “He was chubby. Chunky.”

  “He wasn’t a stud muffin like your Dino?”

  “Ha. No, he was...he’s more like their dad. He was big and blocky.” She turned to face him, made eye contact, said, “He was good-looking though,” then bounced her eyebrows in a cartoonish way, like she was an accomplished seductress.

  He laughed. “Should I be worried?” he asked her.

  Her eyes were back on the road, she said, “Time will tell, Geoff. Time will tell.”

  “Ow, you’re making my stomach hurt.”

  They were on the Gardiner, inching along in traffic, Nia behind the wheel of their Volvo station wagon. Geoff had an appointment with Jenny Brown, editor over at Evergreen Press, to work out where they were on Big Choo, and where they were going to be a few weeks from now. A friendly meeting, Jenny was a sweetheart, but tense just the same.

  Nia was on her way out to Etobicoke for her job interview. A formality, she had said, just paperwork, but he could still feel her nervousness. She’d primped herself thoroughly this morning. A long hot shower, aloe and creams and moisturizers, about eight outfits laid out on their bed, blow-drying and styling and curling, then came the makeup. She was at it for more than an hour. Fuck, she looked good. She looked good to him, though, first thing in the morning when she still had sleep crusted in her eyes and her black, tangled hair made her look like she was a super-villain—some kind of Disney witch that ate puppies and stole the souls of children.

  She’d settled on a very form-fitting skirt and sweater. She was thin and shapely and her outfit hid nothing. It made him squirm thinking about how she was going to be out of the house today, on display—a visit to her ex-boyfriend’s brother. She had heels and a nice wool suit jacket. Very professional and very presentable but there was something noticeably sexy about it. Geoff could determine that if she was going to a job interview with a stranger at a company of unknown people this is not quite the outfit she would have picked. There was something to her outfit selection this morning that said she wanted to be noticed for her figure.

  They got off the Gardiner and into the city and she drove him along King Street until they came to the renovated factory that Evergreen was in. She signalled and pulled to the curb.

  “You sure you’re going to be back for lunch?” he asked her.

  “Sure, I’m sure. I’m just going for a quick meet and greet. I have the job practically. They just want me to come over and, I guess, see what I’m getting myself into. Least that’s what he said on the phone.”

  “You’ll be back in, like, two hours?”

  “Yeah. Probably. What you don’t want to do lunch with me?” she said haughtily, one eyebrow up, one eyebrow down.

  “Nia. I can’t wait,” he said. “I’ll be sitting on that planter,” he pointed out the ca
r window to a concrete cylinder with a honey locust growing up out of it.

  “Got your drawings?” she asked him.

  He patted his art bag. He’d printed out copies at print size of his progress so far to go over with Jenny and had digital copies on his iPad.

  She looked a little anxious suddenly, said, “You excited for me?” and she bit the inside of her lip.

  He leaned over to her and gave her a kiss. “I’m excited. I want you to be happy.” She turned her cheek to him so he wouldn’t muss her lipstick.

  “Careful,” she warned him.

  “Hey. You’re going to knock em dead. Okay?”

  “Thanks, Geoff. You are too. Tell Jenny I said Hi.”

  “I wish you were coming up with me...I’ll see you for lunch,” he said as he got out of the car. He closed the door behind him and patted the roof of the Volvo like she was going off to battle. He watched her signal, pull back into traffic and head to Dufferin and turn, disappear on her way to something new that was all her own.


  She saw Rocco Dragonieri standing next to a dump truck in the noisy work yard behind the Dragon Pools main office and retail space. That big chubby boy who was the younger brother of her one-time boyfriend had become a giant.

  He stood talking to another man dressed for work in his Dragon Pools polo and khakis and work boots. He nodded, his face serious as he took directions from Rocco, who towered over him.

  He was way over six feet and he was massive. He had leaned out, lost his baby fat, but he was still a big boy. Thick-waisted with a huge chest and wide shoulders. He was wearing a plain black T-shirt with the sleeves cut off and his arms were heavily muscled and tattooed. He looked very little like the youngster she had known.