Cherry Blossoms: A Losing His Wife Novel Page 16
His cock was pretty long, not that thick. He’d got it plumped up with a metal cock ring she could see at his base. He had it completely shaved and it shone like his skin, getting a good coat of whatever oil he’d rubbed on his torso too. He had one of those cocks that was long enough a guy could spin it around in circles like a propeller. It slapped against his thigh occasionally and it bounced around until he could find the rhythm again. The girls went crazy, screaming and laughing. He brought it over for each of them to get a look at. Angie and Donna watched and laughed, Aunt Stella reached out and gave it a good tug and it made him laugh.
When he made the clockwise tour and wound up at Nia he set up residence. He really showed it to her, he made eye contact and he tried to get her to touch it but she acted disinterested. He swung it in her face, she could feel the draft it created. Everyone urged her on, clapping and laughing. Lisa came up behind him and she grabbed both his ass cheeks and he turned to her over his shoulder and danced against her, pressing his rump into her hips. She was drunk as could be and her hands came right around and she gave his cock and his balls a good feel then she came to her senses and she covered her face up and ran back to her chair.
Nia picked up her wine glass and took a sip. The stripper was back to her, determined to get a reaction from her. He waved it in her face, danced and shook his hips, gyrated until he was right up against her. His thighs were on either side of hers, his hands on her shoulders, his cock so close she could smell the coconut in the oil he rubbed on himself. Then he took her wrist that held her tall stemmed red wine glass and he moved it out and down. She knew what he was going to do. She held her glass steady and he dangled that long cock over her glass and lowered it until the end of it sunk into her wine. She shook her head at him, non-plussed. He smiled confidently at her while his cock sat in her glass. Then he took it out, splashing wine on her black dress, letting his cock swing and touch thigh to thigh.
She watched him coolly and she put the glass to her lips and she took a steady and long sip, held his eyes the whole time. A smile peeled his chiselled but boyish cheeks and he winked at her. The crowd went crazy like she was their hero. The noise was deafening, someone screamed right next to her and it practically blew out her eardrum and made her flinch. The stripper reached for her other wrist now and she let him, let him lead her hand between his legs and he put his big wine-soaked cock in her hand. She squeezed it, didn’t burst into giggles, she watched him and he watched her. She stroked it lightly and she felt his balls. They weren’t huge and they didn’t dangle but they were warm and soft and she could tell they were sensitive by the flinch he gave when she squeezed them. Then she let him go, took another sip while he danced himself away, headed for the bride, but she’d made an impact. He couldn’t keep his eyes off her after that.
The stripper’s name was Sebastian and he was a student. After his show, which culminated in putting whipped cream on his penis and trying to get Donna to lick it off (which she refused while laughing heartily), he hung around at the bar in his street clothes. He was trapped by the older women. The younger ones were over it already but Aunt Stella and Angie’s mom had him at the bar and their method of seduction was to mother him. Mother him in a somehow creepy touchy-feely way. Nia felt for him. He’d been talking to Lisa and Angie but they’d moved on and now he’d got himself trapped. Nia watched him through a nice drunken haze she’d earned with a lot of very good Italian red wine.
The party was over, it was past midnight now, and everyone was headed to the hotel. They’d booked rooms at the Days Inn for everyone who wouldn’t have a ride home which was more than half of them. The party would likely continue in one of the rooms. Not for all of them, some already expressing great pleasure in passing out in their hotel beds.
Nia was handing out her gift packages. She’d been in charge of hangover kits and she’d done them up in red buckets (for barfing) wrapped in cellophane and bows to tie them up, long tendril ribbons in curls. Alka Seltzer, chocolate, ginger ale, Advil, Gravol, Aleve, candy, a bottle of water, Clif bar, a bottle of Clear Eyes, cold compress, Tums, Pepto Bismol, Scope, hair ties, breath mints, and a cheap pair of sunglasses that came in a sleeve that said, I REGRET NOTHING.
Angie wasn’t done and even as some of the girls stumbled out, eyes with blue half moons curled underneath she was enlisting them for further drinks. Telling them her room number. One girl had insinuated Sebastian should be invited and while it was rewarded with enthusiastic laughter there was only one girl drunk enough to fall for that and she had two friends watching out for her to protect her from such a bad idea.
The lights in the bar were on and she saw Sebastian watching her again from over Stella’s perm. He’d talked her up at the bar earlier, giving her his most dazzling smile, and letting the lights dance in his dark eyes. She’d thought of what Geoff wanted, thought how Sebastian would be a good lay. Too many witnesses, Geoff, sorry. She’d been aloof with him, not even wanting her friends to see her spending too much time with him.
Sebastian was indeed a student. Going to Seneca college for social work. Played hockey, Toronto League, A, under 21. He was a charming kid and she’d love to feel that body, love to get that dick hard but he wasn’t the one. Definitely not the one.
He winked at her as she got her purse off the back of her chair by her Hangover table and she smiled for him, turned her eyes away, bashful. Signing off for the evening.
Angie hooked her arm through hers as they walked out of the restaurant, her hangover bucket tucked under her other arm. They clicked in their heels out past the maître d’s stone-walled enclave and they went out into the chilly night.
Angie said, “Well, I think we fucking rocked it, don’t you?”
“It was one to remember,” Nia agreed.
“We’re a good team.”
“We are, Ang,” she said and she kissed the top of her shorter friend’s hair. She and Ang had gone to Woodview High together, plus grades four through eight at Sir Alexander Garfield. Grew up on either end of the same suburban Woodbridge street. Ang’s dad was an accountant, her dad owned a restaurant in the same plaza as her father’s office. They’d been through a lot together.
The Days Inn was across the road, set back from the wide streets and while not the fanciest hotel it was selected for its very convenient proximity. It was a decent little hike though on drunken heels and they could see a gaggle of girls up ahead, all also arm in arm, passing along a guardrail, bullrushes beyond that, then the lights of the ten storey hotel. The highway ran along the far side of the hotel and they could hear the hiss of the night time traffic.
“Hey,” Nia, said, “go on catch up with them, I’ll meet you in the room.”
“You coming for a drink?”
“Yeah, I got some life left in me yet. Take my bucket, I gotta get some things from my car.”
She handed her her own hangover bucket. She’d parked the Volvo at the restaurant because she’d brought two dozen hangover kits to the bachelorette. Her overnight bag was still in her backseat.
Ang walked backward, said, “Come up with Stella, okay? Make sure she gets back all right.”
“Yeah, I’ll walk with her,” she said as she made her way in the opposite direction around to the far side of the restaurant. She stumbled her way back to the car, feeling herself getting drunker. They’d done shots at the bar with Sebastian an hour ago and she hadn’t stopped drinking wine. She might not have as much life left in her as she thought.
All in all it was a very fine event. Everyone was happy and everyone got right to the border of obliterated but their passports weren’t accepted and they had to come back. All the girls were leaving on their own accord. There was a girl she knew from York who had a good friend and bridesmaid taken to the hospital from her bachelorette and they had to pump her stomach. Twenty-five years old with alcohol poisoning like a teenager. She unlocked the Volvo with her fob and climbed into the back seat on her knees and grabbed her overnight bag,
resisted the urge to have a little nap back there. It was a chilly night but the cabin of the Volvo was pretty warm still. When she backed out and stood up she knew for sure that someone was standing behind her.
She gasped, the tiniest brittle shriek catching in her throat.
“Whoa, whoa,” the black figure said, put its hands up. Sebastian.
“What the fuck? How old are you?” she hissed and stomped one high-heeled foot, her overnight bag clutched to her chest to protect herself.
“I’m tw—”
“You don’t know not to fucking sneak up on a girl alone in a dark parking lot?”
“I came to say goodnight.”
“Shit,” she said and she leaned back next to the open door of the car. “It was almost goodnight forever, I just had a mini heart attack.”
“What did you think I was going to do?”
Her heart thumped in her chest, she felt her neck swell with her pounding pulse, knew she’d have a thick cable running up one side of her thin neck right now. She tried to play it cool, she said, “I didn’t think it was going to end well.”
“Thought you were going to take a stabbing?”
She knew what he meant but the kid had no idea what a creep he was being. If she didn’t understand that his stabbing meant with that long penis of his she would have probably screamed bloody murder. “Is that what you do? Stab women in the parking lot?”
“Just the beautiful ones,” he said and he put his arm up over the open door.
“Thanks,” she said dryly.
“I’ve done a lot of these...bachelorettes,” he said. “Met a lot of girls and I absolutely mean this: you are the most drop dead gorgeous woman I ever laid eyes on.”
“Sebastian, that’s flattering,” she said then wiggled her left fingers at him, showed him her rings, “but I’m married.”
“A lot of these girls at these shows, they’re all married...but that doesn’t stop them.”
“You’re telling me you fuck a lot of girls after you strip for them?” she said, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m just telling you that it’s really normal, lots of women don’t mind one night...just for themselves...doesn’t mean anything.”
“You’re ten years younger than me.”
“Exactly,” he said. He gave her a smirk and it hit her. She could do this. Do this thing that Geoff wanted. That she wanted, but only kind of wanted. This kid wasn’t her type but he had a hot body and he was handsome. He was young and boyish and twenty-year-old Nia would have gone home with him without a second thought. Despite what Geoff thought of her she wasn’t some slut though. She’d always liked sex, but she wasn’t the kind to sleep with a stripper after a bachelorette. Why did Geoff think that was hot? Sebastian took her quiet to mean acquiescence and he moved himself into her space. She didn’t stop him. He smiled, leaned towards her. He smelled nice, cologne, just a little bit, coconut oil, male body. He’d danced that little tush off for them and he’d worked himself into a sweat and he smelled it too. But she liked it. She let him get closer. She huffed through her nose, didn’t smile, gave him one cynical eyebrow that said, Oh you think so? Still she didn’t stop him. He moved closer until she could feel his breath in her hair and against her neck and ear. She put a hand up on his chest to stop him but he pushed on. Then she felt his lips on her neck and her skin crawled. This man wasn’t her husband. She loved Geoff, not this kid. She pushed again but he didn’t budge. His chest was hard and firm. Big. She knew what it looked like under his tight three button shirt. She felt his muscles squirm as his arms came up and then she felt his hands on her hips.
She let her hands wander. She wanted that. That was cool. He had a fantastic young body and she was up for getting a feel of it as long as her friends weren’t around anymore. She squeezed his shoulders and she felt his arms. He was solid. Soft flesh at the surface and then steel hard underneath it, just a millimetre under his bronze skin. His lips were on her neck and it felt too intimate. She didn’t stop him.
The parking lot was empty. Her car the only one that was there. Stella told her the restaurant said she could leave it there. Better than her trying to drive it across the street and going into those bullrushes or something, blaming the restaurant for over-serving. The restaurant was closed now. People probably still in there counting it all up. Employee cars were around the corner, lit up by a sodium light on the brick wall above the dumpster. It was chilly. Not terribly, it was June and it had been a sunny day, but it wasn’t July yet and it was night. She felt her nipples tighten, her flesh grabbing and dragging on the inside of her lacy bra. She tilted her jaw for him and felt his lips on her skin. This man who wasn’t her Geoff was doing something she swore would never happen again. She’d suffered when she slept with the last man who wasn’t her husband. Her body reacted, her body wanted it, but she’d sworn she wouldn’t. Now she’d been given license. It was okay. Geoff wanted it. Wanted it if she wanted it. While Sebastian wasn’t what she wanted he was a good start. He was young and hot. She let his soft cool and damp lips drag and pluck at her skin, she squeezed the muscles in his big arms in her grip. His hands swept up her hips to her waist and she flinched as they came across her sensitive tummy. She shivered again. He laughed and the hot breath from him, mint and alcohol and lemon felt nice on her neck and collar.
He stood up straight. Taller than her. Dark and handsome. She heard his fly drawing down, metal teeth unclenching in the night air, loud and close, riding over top of the hiss of highway traffic. He put a hand up on her shoulder and he pushed her back and along the side of the Volvo until he had her sitting on the back seat of the car with her high heels still on the pavement. She looked between his legs, saw that long cock of his swinging, a wink of pale flesh, the shadow of it making a huge black shape on his denim thigh. He pulled her by her neck, quietly but firmly encouraging her to suck his cock. Her hands came up his thighs and she gripped him. His cock protruded out of the open fly, dangled in the cold. The flesh of it was cool. His cock was still soft and she used her fingers to hold it so that she could put the head of it in her mouth. His hands laced through her hair and he pulled her onto him. It wasn’t hard and it buckled against her face, it’s chilled side pressing softly on her cheek. She reached around and she felt his ass. Also very nice, firm and round and strong. His cock fell out of her mouth. He was getting firmer, but he was long and it was difficult to keep it from folding up. She took it up in a hand and she pushed herself back from him with the other.
The skin of his cock was soft and fragrant, oily, and she liked the feeling of it getting harder in her mouth. When he was soft she could stuff more of him in her mouth, but as he got harder she could only suck on his glans and a little farther down his shaft. She ran her tongue around his tip, pulled him with her lips, got him good and hard. Now he started to fuck her face. Shoving his hard cock into her mouth. She snorted through her nose and squinted. He forced it into her, his hands clutching her hair and holding her head locked in place. She opened her throat and her breath scored through her nose. Her eyes watered and streamed. His cock pushed into her, getting deep, really deep. She felt it spreading her esophagus. Then he started thrusting into her, his glans spreading her throat painfully, his cock sliding along the deepest root of her tongue, bumping into the back of her throat and making her think for one nauseous second she was going to vomit wine all over his pants and her dress, most of it spewing out of her nostrils with his cock plugging up her mouth at the moment. She relaxed herself, breathed, let him show off his length. When he withdrew it, she spewed saliva all over her chin and down her lap. She retched and caught herself, coughed and tried to choke in air and not let him see her watery eyes and her blubbering face. She pushed herself back into the backseat of the car, coughing into her fist and waving him in to follow her.
He climbed in on his knees, then he was on top of her, his mouth on hers, kissing her slobbered face, kissing her chin and her cheeks. His hands were moving all over her, grabbing her tits and
clawing at her dress, trying to pull it up. She started to panic. This was too much too fast.
“Easy, easy,” she whispered into his ear while he kissed her neck and down to her collarbone. He’d got himself on top of her, pushed her back like that so she was on her back, her legs spread wide. He was between her thighs, her dress hiked up. She could feel the chill from the outside on the flat of her belly up underneath her skirt. His cock dangled between them hard and eager, wanting to part her womanhood and slide itself up inside her hot body. She brought a knee up and closed her sex off in case he was just going to slip it past her panties and fuck her like that with his feet dangling outside the open Volvo door.
She wrapped a fist around his cock. He was slick and wet from her mouth. She pumped it on him, let him know she was in control here. She stroked him hard and fast like she wanted him to come and his brain shut right off. His face came up, good looking young kid, and she watched his expression while she stroked him. His eyes closed, his lips parted and he made short gasps.
She brought her foot around so that he was over her thighs rather than between them. “That’s it,” she whispered, “I love this big cock.”
“Ah, mm, yeah,” he grunted.
“Sit up, sit up,” she told him.
“Ah,” he grunted again and he sat up, her hand never stopping. He leaned way back in the chair and spread his legs wide for her, let her work it.
“Close the door,” she said.
He never opened his eyes, he just reached out blindly til his hand rested on the armrest and he sat up and yanked the door shut and closed them into her quiet little station wagon. She got herself on her knees next to him and she let his cock go, put her hands on his neck and she kissed his nice lips. He moaned and kissed her back, he sucked her tongue into his mouth and she felt the wet feel of his tongue against hers. Then his hand went up the inside of her parted thighs and she buckled, fell against his chest a moment before she got herself together. His hand climbed up the soft flesh of her leg until she felt his big thumb pressed against her panties. She could feel how wet she’d got. His bare finger hooked under her panty crotch and she gasped as she felt the touch of another man against her most private and most intimate part. She moaned high and made it sexy, put it on for him.